Put On Your Comfy Sweater and Grab Your Tea…

This blog is filled with nutrition education topics, ready for your enjoyment. Best consumed in your most comfy attire.

Nourishing New Parents - Podcast

From Anxiety to Empowerment: Nourishing New Parents for Mental Health

Jackie Meyer specializes in guiding you through balancing your relationship with food, optimizing hormone control, improving gut health, decreasing inflammation in the body and sustaining these changes with neuroscience backed behavior change techniques. I’m excited to talk about the mental load and overwhelming joys of being a mother. The frustrating way that the diet and supplement industry pushes quick fixes and fads. And how to TRUST your body.

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How to change your thoughts about weight loss ideas

Clients, family, and friends are often asking me for weight loss ideas. In our society, there is such an emphasis on looking a certain way and the idea that if you follow someone, or eat the way they eat then you will automatically look the way they look. This is an unfortunate lie that most people have been sold.

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